Water Damage

Even the most well kept homes and offices will inevitably discover at one time or another those leaky faucets, plumbing, roof leaks, or something as simple as watering plants has left a water-damaged wall or ceiling. Drywall has a paper backing, and when it becomes wet, it tends to bubble and wrinkle much the same as a piece of paper would. No amount of scrubbing can remove a water stain, so drywall repair is necessary. Usual “quick fixes” include painting directly over water stains do not work. In time the stain will bleed through the paint and reappear so that the “quick fix” will prove to be a waste of time and money.
After the cause of the water damage is repaired, proper preparation and possible removal of the drywall area require a professional touch. J & R Custom Walls can match the existing finishes after repairs to the damaged walls are done.